Radira |


SMAN 1 Purwokerto in Purwokerto, Central Java. This school is the famous school in Banyumas region. This school is one of the favorite school in Banyumas region.

SMAN 1 Purwokerto located in Gatot Subroto street 73 Purwokerto. The position of this school is very strategic that is in the centre Purwokerto activities. The building of SMAN 1 Purwokerto is directid to south which is in the west of this school is SMAN 2 Purwokerto, in the north is SMPN 6 Purwokerto, in the east is Karisidenan, and in the south is Polres Banyumas.

SMAN 1 Purwokerto has strately building with the completely and modern facilities and cleanest area. There are more than 40 rooms with 27 rooms use for classroom, a Biology laboratory, a Physic laboratory, a Chemical laboratory, a Languange laboratory, 2 Computer laboratories, a Library, a Mushola, a Bangsal, a Teacher room, a Headmaster room, etc. This school have large parking area in the left and right part of SMAN 1 Purwokerto and a large yard use to many activities like as flag ceremony and do many sport like volley, basketball, etc.

SMAN 1 Purwokerto has many organization, the organization are Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah( OSIS ), Pasukan Pengibar Bendera( Paskibra ), Palang Merah Remaja( PMR ), Pramuka, etc. This school have many extracurricular too, there are Merpati Putih( MP ), Gokasi, Dance, Choir group, Karawitan, Badminton, ESCS, etc. Every student can join the organization and the extracurricular they would. But, for 10th class, they must join the Pramuka extracurricular, because this extrcurricular is obliged by School.

SMAN 1 Purwokerto has many student. The student is very discipline. They obey with the school ruler. The student is very seriously to study. They active to follow many school activities such as when the school time is run or in the organization or extracurricular. Because that the student are smart. They follow many competition like English competition, Physic olympiad, Mathematic olimpyiad, Chemical olympiad, Sport competition, etc. From won the competition SMAN 1 Purwokerto have a lot of achievements and trophies.


  1. mbak, makasih infonya, lagi butuh banget ini . aku sisbar di smansa .
    eh mbak , itu grammarnya salah SMAN 1 Purwokerto have many organization harusnya has bukan have . tapi makasih banyak mbak .

  2. iya, masama dek :D
    ahahah. iya salah :P mbanya ga teliti. hehe

  3. sama-sama :)
    salam kenal juga


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