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Malam Keakraban Teknik Informatika Unsoed 2013

Makrab Keakraban Teknik Informatika Unsoed 2013
Malam Keakraban Teknik Informatika Unsoed 2013

Ceria berbalut kekeluargaan menjadi ungkapan suasana yang tepat untuk kegiatan malam keakraban ke-5 Teknik Informatika Unsoed. Makrab Teknik Informatika Unsoed 2013 ini berbeda dari makrab di tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Bila di tahun sebelumnya acara makrab diadakan secara indoor, kini acara diadakan secara outdoor dan diselenggarakan di Bumi Perkemahan Munjul Luhur Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah.

Makrab yang berlangsung selama dua hari ini, 28-29 September 2013, bertemakan “Satu Tempat, Satu Acara, Satu Cerita, Satu Kebersamaan, dan Satu Kenangan”. Tema ini diambil oleh panitia dengan harapan acara ini menjadi sebuah kenangan bersama yang tidak akan terlupakan oleh siapapun, baik panitia maupun peserta makrab tentunya.

Dalam serangkaian kegiatan makrab, terdapat acara baru yaitu malam inagurasi. Malam inagurasi ini ditujukan sebagai acara malam peresmian peserta makrab menjadi anggota keluarga baru di Teknik Informatika Unsoed. Dalam keheningan malam inagurasi, kami, baik peserta maupun panitia yang telah menjadi anggota keluarga Teknik Informatika Unsoed, diingatkan bagaimana seharusnya bersikap dan berperilaku sebagai mahasiswa maupun mahasiswi dan bukan lagi sebagai seseorang yang masih memakai putih abu, yang terkadang masih egois, tidak memikirkan satu sama lain, dan mengunggulkan diri sendiri. Namun di sini, kami adalah keluarga baru yang seharusnya membantu dan memotivasi satu sama lain untuk study yang kami jalani sekarang.

Salam sukses buat kami semua :D
Go IF go IF go ! 

Radira | 13 Comments so far

Berburu Makhluk Merah Strawberry di Purbalingga

Makhluk Merah Strawberry
September adalah waktu yang sangat tepat bagi penikmat strawberry untuk jalan-jalan mengunjungi Wisata Agro Kebun Strawberry di Pratin, Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah. Dari Purwokerto-Purbalingga, perjalanan ini memakan waktu kurang lebih satu setengah jam.

Ini adalah ketiga kalinya aku pergi ke Kebun Strawberry Purbalingga. Selalu disambut kabut tebal, tapi yang romantis sih :') Ngingetin tiap kenangan sama mereka. (#read : bukan dia, soalnya single :P).

Perjalanan ini cukup mengesankan. Berawal dari datangnya kabut yang sangat tebal pk 10.00 WIB saat kami menapaki jalan yang terjal menuju lokasi dan kami kira akan terjadi hujan, yang kemudian ditambah kebun yang kami tuju belum dibuka. Akhirnya kami berenam putuskan untuk sarapan terlebih dahulu. 

Warung Makan Daerah Kebun Strawberry Purbalingga

Breakfast time :D
Menu kali ini... Nasi goreng ada, mie rebus ada, mie goreng ada, gado-gado ada, dan lain-lain juga ada kok. Yang pasti, kalau dingin-dingin kaya gini tuh pasti harus ada yang namanya gorengan + teh hangat!

Setelah dua jam berbincang-bincang sembari menikmati makanan dan kami kira cuaca cukup mendukung kami untuk melanjutkan perjalanan. Kami pun segera kembali turun ke daerah wisata strawberry.

Yap waktu yang tepat, pk 12.00 WIB kebun yang kami ingin tuju sudah dibuka. Dan sudah banyak pengunjung yang memarkirkan kendaraan di halaman parkir. 

Kebun Strawberry Pratin Purbalingga

Tiket masuk kebun strawberry terbilang murah, hanya dengan 15ribu rupiah per orang kita bisa menikmati semua buah strawberry yang sudah ranum, asalkan jangan sampai dibawa ke luar lokasi (#read : dibawa pulang). Jadi kalau kita ingin membawakan oleh-oleh untuk teman atau saudara kita atau siapapun, strawberry yang kita petik bisa ditimbang terlebih dahulu dengan harga per onsnya yaitu 3ribu rupiah.

Berbekal keranjang warna-warni dan gunting imut dari Bapak penunggu kebun (#read : penjual tiket), kami pun meluncur ke bawah bersiap menghabiskan seluruh makhluk strawberry yang berteriak-teriak, "Ayo petik akuuu, makan akuuuuu." :D

Keranjang Kebun Strawberry Purbalingga

Tim A
Tim B
Luasnya kebun strawberry ini membuat kami mondar-mandir ke sana kemari mencoba menghabiskan semua buah strawberry yang ada. Namun alhasil, dengan perut kami yang sudah tak kuat menahan manisnya strawberry, kami pun akhirnya istirahat, menikmati petikan strawberry di keranjang.

Beberapa moment yang kami abadikan (#read : narsis :D) :
Dari Kiri-Kanan : Echi, Redah, Aku, Selvi
Secret Treasure of Strawberry
Pasangan yang masih anget-angetnya di Agustus ini :P
Si Gendut @vincentjikesa
Redah Anggraeni @redah_ujan
Ayu Selvi Agustiani @ayuselvi
Yolandari @maryolll
Well :D Mungkin segini aja perjalanan Hari Minggu, 15 September 2013.
Dan pengalaman seru lainnya, kapan-kapan lagi ya :D

The Biggest One
Tips :

  1. ngga perlu nyalain mesin kendaraan kalian waktu turun sampai pertigaan kota #irit bensin.
  2. berhubung cuaca di daerah wisata ngegalauin, antara terang hujan terang hujan terang, ngga perlu khawatir ngga bawa jas hujan (buat yang naik motor).
  3. nyesel kalau sampai yang namanya ngga bawa kamera buat ngambil moment pemandangan indah di tempat ini. So, bawa ya!
Radira | Be the first to comment!

Ellie Goulding ft. Calvin Harris - Lirik I Need Your Love

I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I come alive
I need to be free with you tonight
I need your love

I need your love

I take a deep breath every time I pass your door
I know you're there but I can't see you anymore
And that's the reason you're in the dark
I've been a stranger ever since we fell apart
And I feel so helpless here
Watch my eyes are filled with fear
Tell me do you feel the same
Hold me in your arms again

I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I come alive
I need to be free with you tonight
I need your love

I need your love

Am I dreaming? Will I ever find you now?
I walk in circles but I'll never figure out
What I mean to you, do I belong?
I try to fight this but I know I'm not that strong
And I feel so helpless here
Watch my eyes are filled with fear
Tell me do you feel the same
Hold me in your arms again

I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I come alive
I need to be free with you tonight
I need your love

I need your love

All the years
All the times
You have never been to blame
And now my eyes are open
And now my heart is closing
And all the tears
All the lies
All the waste
I've been trying to make it change
And now my eyes are open

I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I come alive
I need to be free
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David Choi - Lirik By My Side

I'm just listenin' to the clock go tickin'
I am waiting as the time goes by.
I think of you with every breath I take,
I need to feel your heart beat next to mine.
You're all I see, in everything.

I just wanna hold you,
I just wanna kiss you,
I just wanna love you all my life.
I normally wouldn't say this,
but I just can't contain it.
I want you here forever,
right here by my side.

All the fears you feel inside,
and all the tears you cry,
they're ending right here.
I'll heal your heart and soul;
I'll keep you oh so close.
Don't worry; I'll never let you go.
You're all I need, you're everything.

I just wanna hold you,
I just wanna kiss you,
I just wanna love you all my life.
I normally wouldn't say this,
but I just can't contain it.
I want you here forever,
right here by my side.

No one else would ever do.
I got a stubborn heart for you.
Call me crazy, but it's true; I love you.
I didn't think that it would be,
you have made it clear to me.
You're all I need.

I just wanna hold you,
I just wanna kiss you,
I just wanna love you all my life.
I normally wouldn't say this,
but I just can't contain it.
I want you here forever,
right here by my side.

Radira | Be the first to comment!

Mike T ft Rawanne - Lirik This Is The Night

Is a different day, is a different night
I can feel your heart when you by my side
No more lonely days, no more lonely nights
I can feel your touch.

Look into your eyes
And it's no surprise
Now I'm close to you
My dreams become true.

This is the night, this is my party
Lovely night, you touch my body
All the night
This is my party
Come and dance 'til the morning light.

This is the night
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Flying high
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
All the night
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Come and dance 'til the morning light.

You felt the ocean
Of my emotions
I feel your heart beat
Oh, oh, oh

This is the night, this is my party
Lovely night, you touch my body
All the night
This is my party
Come and dance 'til the morning light.

This is the night
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Flying high
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
All the night
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Come and dance 'til the morning light.

This is the night.
Radira | Be the first to comment!

Iron & Wine - Lirik Flightless Bird, American Mouth

I was a quick wet boy
Diving too deep for coins
All of your street light eyes
Wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair
I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map
And called for you everywhere

Have I found you, Flightless Bird
Jealous, weeping?
Or lost you, American Mouth
Big Pill, looming?

Now I’m a fat house cat
Nursing my sore, blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats
Crawl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean
Blood of Christ mountain stream

Have I found you?, Flightless Bird
Grounded, bleeding?
Or lost you, American Mouth
Big Pill, stuck going down
Radira | Be the first to comment!

Mocca - Lirik Dear Diary

Dear Diary,
Let me tell you about my story,
I know it's rather sad,
but that's the way I feel..

Dear Diary,
I don't if this is right or wrong,
Starting thinking of leaving him,
But I'm afraid it might hurt him..

All I want is for everything in the place,
So everyone is happy,
Is it too much ask for?
All I want is for everything in the place,
So everyone is happy,
Is that too much ask for?

Dear Diary,
Strong is not exactly the right words,
Started thinking of leaving him,
But I'm afraid it might hurt him..

All I want is for everything in the place,
So everyone is happy,
Is it too much ask for?
All I want is for everything in the place,
So everyone is happy,
Is that too much ask for?..

Dear Diary,
Strong is not exactly the right word,
I don't know what to do now,
Confusion is all over.. me...
Radira | 2 Comments so far

Cara Atasi Lupa Password User System Oracle 10G

Kali ini, aku mau share tentang : " gimana sih caranya mengatasi lupa password system di oracle 10 G? "
Yupsss. Berhubung karena pengalaman sering lupa password, daripada searching susah-susah di google, mendingan ditulis di radira blog aja. Langsung aja :

1. Buka Run. Tekan gambar Windows + R pada keyboard, lalu muncul tampilan :

Radira | 2 Comments so far

Sekilas Tentang Komunikasi Data

Pengertian :
Komunikasi data adalah proses pengiriman data dan penerimaan data atau informasi dari dua atau lebih device(alat, seperti komputer/ laptop/printer dan alat komjunikasi lain) yang terhubung dalam sebuah jaringan. Baik lokal maupun luas, seperti internet. (Wikipedia)

Tujuan Komunikasi Data :
  1. memungkinkan pengiriman data dalam jumlah besar, secara efisien tanpa kesalahan dan ekonomis dari satu tempat ke tempat lain.
  2. memungkinkan penggunaan sistem komputer dan peralatan pendukungnya dari jauh.
  3. memungkinkan penggunaan sistem komputer secara terpusat maupun tersebar sehingga mendukung manajemen dalam hal kontrol.
  4. mengurangi waktu pengolahan data/ mempercepat penyebarluasan informasi.

Radira | 2 Comments so far

Afgan - Lirik Jauh

Afgan - Lirik Lagu Jauh

Entah harus berapa lama lagi
Rasa ini ku pendam sendiri
Rasa cintaku pada dirimu 

Entah harus berapa lagu lagi
Yang ku tulis agar kau mengerti
Rasa cinta di hati ini
Yang tumbuh hanya untuk dirimu

Kau jauh (kau jauh)
Mengapa terasa begitu jauh (jauh)
Padahal kau ada di depanku
Tersenyum kepadaku tapi tetap terasa jauh

Setiap kali ku tatap dirimu
Kau buat ku sadar akan sesuatu
Kalau bayang diri ini
Tak pernah ada di kedua matamu ooh

Kau jauh (kau jauh)
Mengapa terasa begitu jauh (jauh)
Padahal kau ada di depanku
Tersenyum kepadaku tapi tetap terasa jauh

Ku mencoba (ku mencoba)
Selalu ku mencoba (terus mencoba)
Tapi semuanya sia-sia

(kau jauh) kau terasa begitu jauh
Padahal kau ada di depanku
Tersenyum kepadaku tapi tetap terasa (jauh)

Oh jauh (jauh) mengapa terasa begitu jauh (jauh)
Padahal kau ada di depanku
Tersenyum kepadaku tapi tetap terasa jauh, jauh
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Adera - Lirik Terlambat

Adera - Terlambat

Andai saja waktu itu tak ku tunda

tuk ungkapkan isi hati kepadanya

mungkin dia jadi milikku, bahagiakan hariku

oh tetapi kenyataan tak begitu

Di saat ku mencoba merajut kata

dan berharap semua jadi sempurna

tiba-tiba ada yang lain yang mencuri hatinya

hilang sudah kesempatanku dengannya

Terlambat sudah semua kali ini

yang ku inginkan tak lagi sendiri

bila esok mentari sudah berganti

kesempatan itu terbuka kembali

akan ku coba lagi

Cukup sudah kesalahan kali ini

jangan sampai semua terulang kembali

keraguan dalam hatiku harus ku buang jauh

bila ingin mendapatkan yang terbaik

Terlambat sudah semua kali ini

yang ku inginkan tak lagi sendiri

bila esok mentari sudah berganti

kesempatan itu terbuka kembali

akan ku coba lagi

Pengalaman pahit yang ku jadikan pelajaran

dalam hidup yang tak akan terlupakan (terlupakan)

oh jangan menunda sesuatu untuk dikerjakan

jangan tunda jangan tunda

Terlambat sudah semua kali ini

yang ku inginkan tak lagi sendiri

bila esok mentari sudah berganti

kesempatan itu terbuka kembali

Terlambat sudah semua kali ini

yang ku inginkan tak lagi sendiri

bila esok mentari sudah berganti

kesempatan itu terbuka kembali

akan ku coba lagi

akan ku coba lagi
Radira | 1 Comment so far

Bruno Mars - Lirik When I Was Your Man

When I Was Your Man - Bruno MarsSame bed but it feels just a little bit bigger nowOur song on the radio but it don't sound the sameWhen our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me downCause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name
It all just sounds like oooooh…Mmm, too young, too dumb to realizeThat I should have bought you flowersAnd held your handShould have gave you all my hoursWhen I had the chanceTake you to every partyCause all you wanted to do was dance

Now my baby's dancingBut she's dancing with another man
My pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish waysCaused a good strong woman like you to walk out my lifeNow I never, never get to clean up the mess I made, ohh…And it haunts me every time I close my eyes
It all just sounds like oooooh…Mmm, too young, too dumb to realizeThat I should have bought you flowersAnd held your handShould have gave you all my hoursWhen I had the chanceTake you to every partyCause all you wanted to do was danceNow my baby's dancingBut she's dancing with another man
Although it hurtsI'll be the first to say that I was wrongOh, I know I'm probably much too lateTo try and apologize for my mistakesBut I just want you to know
I hope he buys you flowersI hope he holds your handGive you all his hoursWhen he has the chanceTake you to every partyCause I remember how much you loved to danceDo all the things I should have doneWhen I was your manDo all the things I should have doneWhen I was your man
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Bruno Mars - Lirik Locked Out Of Heaven

Locked Out Of Heaven - Bruno Mars
Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah yeah

Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah yeah

Never had much faith in love or miracles
Never wanna put my heart on the line
But swimming in your waters is something spiritual
I'm gonna get every time you spend the night

Cause your sex takes me to paradise
Yeah your sex takes me to paradise
And it shows, yeah, yeah, yeah

Cause you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long
Yeah you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long

Oh yeah yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah yeah

You bring me to my knees
You make me testify
You can make sinner change his ways
Open up your gates cause I can't wait to see the light
And right there is where I wanna stay

Cause your sex takes me to paradise
Yeah your sex takes me to paradise
And it shows, yeah, yeah, yeah

Cause you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long
Yeah you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long

Oh oh oh oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Can't I just stay here
Spend the rest of my days here

Oh oh oh oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Can't I just stay here
Spend the rest of my days here

Cause you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long
Yeah you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long

Oh yeah yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah yeah
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Pink Feat Nate Ruess - Lirik Just Give Me A Reason

Just Give Me A Reason - Pink Feat Nate Ruess
Right from the startYou were a thiefYou stole my heartAnd I your willing victimI let you see the parts of meThat were not all that prettyAnd with every touch you fixed themNow you've been talking in your sleep oh ohThings you never say to me oh ohTell me that you've had enoughOf our love, our love Just give me a reasonJust a little bit's enoughJust a second we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love againIt's in the starsIt's been written in the scars on our heartsWe're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again
I'm sorry I do not understandWhere all of this is coming fromI thought that we were fine(Oh, we had everything)Your head is running wild againMy dear we still have everythin 'And it's all in your mind(Yeah but this is happenin ')You've been havin 'a real bad dreams oh ohYou used to lie so close to me oh ohThere's nothing more than empty sheetsBetween our love, our loveOh our love, our love
Just give me a reasonJust a little bit's enoughJust a second we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love againI never stoppedYou're still written in the scars on my heartYou're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again
Oh tear ducts and rustI'll fix it for usWe're collecting dustBut our love's enoughYou're holding it inYou're pouring a drinkNo nothing is as bad as it seemsWe'll come clean
Just give me a reasonJust a little bit's enoughJust a second we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love againIt's in the starsIt's been written in the scars on our heartsThat we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again
Just give me a reasonJust a little bit's enoughJust a second we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love againIt's in the starsIt's been written in the scars on our heartsThat we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love againOh, we can learn to love againOh, we can learn to love againOh oh, that we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again
Radira | 1 Comment so far

Katy Perry - Lirik Teenage Dream

Teenage Dream - Katty PerryYou think I'm prettyWithout any makeup onYou think I'm funnyWhen I tell the punchline wrongI know you get meSo I let my walls come down, down
Before you met meI was alright but thingsWere kinda heavyYou brought me to lifeNow every FebruaryYou'll be my Valentine, Valentine Let's go all the way tonightNo regrets, just loveWe can dance, until we dieYou and I, will be young forever

[Chorus]You make me feelLike I'm livin' aTeenage dreamThe way you turn me onI can't sleepLet's run away andDon't ever look back,Don't ever look back
My heart stopsWhen you look at meJust one touchNow baby I believeThis is realSo take a chance andDon't ever look back,Don't ever look back
We drove to CaliAnd got drunk on the beachGot a motel andBuilt a fort out of sheetsI finally found youMy missing puzzle pieceI'm complete
Let's go all the way tonightNo regrets, just loveWe can dance, until we dieYou and I, will be young forever
[Chorus]You make me feelLike I'm livin' aTeenage dreamThe way you turn me onI can't sleepLet's run away andDon't ever look back,Don't ever look back
My heart stopsWhen you look at meJust one touchNow baby I believeThis is realSo take a chance andDon't ever look back,Don't ever look back
I'mma get your heart racingIn my skin tights jeansBe your teenage dream tonightLet you put your hands on meIn my skin tight jeansBe your teenage dream tonight
[Chorus]YoooouuuYou make me feelLike I'm livin' aTeenage dreamThe way you turn me onI can't sleepLet's run away andDon't ever look back,Don't ever look backNo
My heart stopsWhen you look at meJust one touchNow baby I believeThis is realSo take a chance andDon't ever look back,Don't ever look back
I'mma get your heart racingIn my skin tights jeansBe your teenage dream tonightLet you put your hands on meIn my skin tight jeansBe your teenage dream tonight(Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight)
sumber : http://lirik.kapanlagi.com/artis/katy_perry/teenage_dream
Radira | Be the first to comment!

Mike Posner - Lirik Please Don't Go

Please Don't Go - Mike Posner
Let's run away from these liesBack to yesterday, safe tonight
I feel the sun creeping up like tick tockI'm trying to keep you in my head but if notWe'll just keep running from tomorrow with our lips lockedYeah, you got me begging, begging
Baby, please don't goIf I wake up tomorrow will you still be here?I don't know if you feel the way I doIf you leave, I'm gonna find you
Baby, please don't go, go, go, goBaby, please don't go, go, go, goBaby, please don't go, go, go, goBaby, please don't, baby, please don't
Baby, please don't run awayFrom my bed and start another dayStay instead
I feel the sun creeping up like tick tockI'm trying to keep you in my head but if notWe'll just keep running from tomorrow with our lips lockedYeah, you got me begging, begging
Baby, please don't goIf I wake up tomorrow will you still be here?I don't know if you feel the way I doIf you leave I'm gonna find you
Baby, please don't go, go, go, goBaby, please don't go, go, go, goBaby, please don't go, go, go, goBaby, please don't, baby, please don'tBaby, please don't
I stay running from tomorrowI stay running from tomorrowWell, I stay running from tomorrowSaid, I stay running from tomorrow
Baby, please don't go(Please don't go)If I wake up tomorrow will you still be here?I don't know if you feel the way I doIf you leave I'm gonna find you(I'm gon', I'm gon', I'm gonna find you)
Baby, please don't go, go, go, goBaby, please don't go, go, go, go(Don't leave me, leave me)Baby, please don't go, go, go, goBaby, please don't, baby, please don't run away